2012.05 Minnesota: Rights Workshop & Alvin’s Rally

Update on Alvin’s Case:

The next court trial for Alvin is scheduled for August 15th in Stearns County, where he faces  6 counts of misdemeanor.

The trial that was originally scheduled to begin the day of the rally, with the four misdemeanors in Hennepin County,  is currently scheduled to begin September 17th.


Alvin Schlangen, a peaceful Minnesota farmer and founder of Freedom Farms Coop, connects people with the foods of their choice from local producers.  Over the past two years, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture has illegally raided Alvin’s van, warehouse, and farm. The state has now brought 21 charges against Alvin related to food distribution; all are misdemeanor counts.  Four of the misdemeanors are in trial next week.  If convicted, Alvin faces up to a year in jail and hefty fines… just for helping to connect consumers to the producers and foods of their choice. Here’s Alvin’s story:

Please join the Raw Milk Freedom Riders for a

Two Day Event in Support of

Food Freedom


Sunday, May 13, 2:00pm: Know Your Rights Workshop followed by a Mother’s Day Dinner
Monday, May 14, 7:00am: FOOD FREEDOM RALLY for Alvin


Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:00 PM-5:30 PM (Dinner following workshop has filled and dinner registration is closed.)

Learn about a history of peaceful non-compliance, how to peacefully stand up for your

rights in confrontational situations, how to take responsibility for your freedom.


John Moody, Food Freedom Activist

David Gumpert, Author and Blogger

Mary Gerke & Mel Olson, Activists

Liz Reitzig, Raw Milk Freedom Riders/Farm Food Freedom Coalition Co-founder

Michael Badnarik, Freedom activist and Constitutional scholar

Space is limited. Reserve your seat today. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how

to exercise your right to the foods of your choice!


Monday, May 14, 2012 7:00am Rally begins, followed by a peaceful sit-in of Alvin’s Trial at 9:00am

Hennepin County Government Center

300 S. 6th Street, Minneapolis, Mn. 55487

The court has allocated three days for Alvin’s trial for 4 misdemeanor charges related to raw milk distribution.  We must pack the courtroom!  Sign up here to take your place in history! No registration for the rally, but we need make sure every seat in the courtroom is filled:


and show solidarity with independent farmers everywhere!


47 responses to “2012.05 Minnesota: Rights Workshop & Alvin’s Rally

  1. How do I support freedom riders? I am a mom of a 3yr old and I am lactose intollerant and I want 2 buy raw milk. I want 2 be an active suppoter and stop fda.

  2. someone needs to make a comic skit based on the old west spaghetti western “fist full of dollars” only make milk the money and the government as the bad guy!
    Use political comic theatre to get the message out!

  3. File a legal binding petition with your state to remove the MDA “out of existence” in your state. File another one to remove the legisllatures authority to regulate “farm sharing.” It is your right to share with anyone… period. Run for city, county or state office. Take their authority away! Get others in your COOP to team up with you and join in your God given right to “share!”

    • Jeff M., I am intrigued by your ideas. I’m working on a Farm Food Freedom Pledge for candidates to sign. Maybe you could contact me and make a few suggestions? Thank you — sally @ fiftytolife DOT com.

  4. I think that national help is needed, I think that you should contact fox news and get more help and recognition of this fight and loss of our freedoms, maybe Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity. If nothing else it’s worth a shot.

    It’s not just dairy and poultry farms that are being harassed; (although I’m afraid they will be the first to go and feel the full force of our gov.) orchard/tree farmers and other crops are starting to feel the angry glare of the federal eye. Just last month we were threatened by the county and informed that our entire farm would be inspected more closely if we did not wear full spray gear while spraying around the trees for weeds. It was run of the mill round-up. I don’t think we should be geared down in full hazmat suits for spraying a little round-up.

    Now the local gov. is trying to take our water away from us. They want to sell our water to San Francisco, instead of the central valley farmers. They are going nickel and dime us to death, with new rules and regulations. In the California Central Valley, (of the local dairies my family knows) I cannot think of any dairy that turn a profit. Many of them are leaving our area for Texas.

    This I’m afraid is just the start.

    • “run of the mill round-up” REALLY? http://youtu.be/X4swW9OFmf8 this is the REAL science from experts about what roundup is doing to our environment and to our physiology. NOTHING to do with Monsanto is “run of the mill” – it is ALL deadly and not to be allowed into our world. Having said that – ORGANIC, RAW, GRASS FED dairy is manna from heaven. But – it must be GRASS FED – even if it is organic grain fed – the animals are sick. They are intended to eat grass – corn/grains ferment in their stomach and make them and their products unhealthy.

      • I’m sorry, but all of my family has full time jobs plus a farm. We don’t have the ability/time to pull weeds away from the young trees all day, plus the other chores. We are not an organic orchard, but have looked into it.
        My POINT is that the local government threatened us, and had verbally told us (in other threats) that they will take our farm. It’s a free America THAT is being threatened, and we have the right to spray or not spray. I do agree with you that the poison we put on the weeds to spare the trees is not ideal, but when all the $ the farm makes goes to pay the taxes on the land + upkeep, it’s all we can do.

    • Please don’t use roundup. “Run of the Mill Roundup”? Is there such a thing? Round up is a poison. I am not on the side of the local government in your county to try and tell you what to do. But I am definitely not on the side of Monsanto which company I think is abhorrent. Maybe you can think of a more natural way to deal with the weeds around the trees.

    • I suggest you look into Quo Warranto. ,which covers the removal of officials ,judges and politicians ..
      Quo Warranto is a Latin term that means, “By what authority?” A Quo Warranto action is one of the oldest common law right actions. It compels a Writ to remove an official from office for acting without lawful authority. It asks three questions:

      Was anything done to get you into office that was unlawful?
      Have you failed to do anything you are required to do?
      Have you done anything while in office that you are forbidden from doing?

      If the answer to any of those questions is: “Yes”, Quo Warranto applies and oustal from office is the singular mandatory remedy.
      I suggest you look at the team law site http://teamlaw.net/

      second unite your farmers, and people who like your products .citizens tired of the regulations and governmental over-reach ,through any means you can and spread the word bout Jury Nullification , a perfectly legal , supreme court approved way to invalidate govt over reach by laws and regulations..
      you can find more by entering jury nullification in your search bar.

      Then there the use of the grand jury

      • Honestly, Hannity and Fox are part of the problem and get their marching orders from the very globalists that are creating the problems..Alex Jones has been in our corner throughout and he reaches millions..

      • Progressives like both Roosevelts, Wilson & LBJ are the ones that started the FDA, IRS and the origin of modern-day slavery.

    • What is the name of your orchard?

      I will be sure to never eat anything coming from there.

      Of all thing to complain about, you complain about the government not wanting you to feed poisoned fruit to children. Oh! The horror!

  5. They are shutting down every food source that they can’t completely control and especially shutting down anything healthy. It’s all GMO’s and garbage from the government or nothing. Everybody better start standing up for freedom now before it is too late. Support your farmers. Support freedom, Support free choice. We shouldn’t have to in this country, as it is guaranteed by our Constitution, but the last several administrations have been at war with our Constitution and our freedom.

    • Fight those bastards ANY way you can and let everyone know about jury nullification so when they take you to court you’ll be found NOT GUILTY for whatever you’ve done to protect yourself from those tyrants!!!

  6. Are there any places to buy raw milk in Georgia?
    I think we are going to have to start boycotting
    individual company s – maybe one at a time to
    put pressure on the Government and Monsanto
    ect… Hit them in the MONEY. This of course
    as we begin to remove the ” rot ” from inside
    our government.

  7. ….nice work here people….chemical companies owned us since 1910 (flexner report) keep fightn for those rights!!..why r they so afraid of raw foods?

  8. We raised eight children on raw Guernsey, had the best butter and cheese and our children are much healthier than many of their friends. All healthy athletic soccer players. I miss my Guernsey and would have one in the back yard if my “progressive” neighbors would not complain to Wake County. Governments need to back off and let us live as we so choose.

  9. i suggest everyone involved do a search on Rod Class for a study of law. He also has shows on youtube, near 500 hours of recordings on talkshoe for download. You will have a 4 year law degree and the best into on fighting corrupt officials there is. All for free, Everyone needs to learn how our law system is distorted and the best ways to fight such. Do yourself this service. You will find most of their laws have no merit.

  10. Very inspiring to see your endeavors standing up against fascism/communist big biz attempts to crush the backbone of the American people.There is a global cancer against the individual which is growing daily and the line in the sand must be drawn before the parasitic industry leaves the globe with nothing but G.M.O and a fistful of sand.God bless you all….

    • you got that right! and sad to say but we are in need of a revolution and a civil war and oust them all out! We need to clean up the mess and start from back when we had it right. This will not get done with talk anymore sad to say. Our forefathers quit tallking when it got out of hand and we are just sitting around and not doing anything about it that will stop it. They will just continue to take the law into their own hands and ignore us because they know we will sit back and only complain and no action. I know some are trying with words and petitions but those petitions are just getting set aside in the government offices being ignored. WE NEED ACTION THAT WILLGET THEIR ATTENTION AND GET RID OF THEM WHO DARES TO GO AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION

  11. I owned part of a herd of organic dairy cows in Michigan. I can’t drink the white poison they sell on supermarket shelves — if I do, I amsick for 2-3 days. But, organic, grass-fed RAW milk….I was drinking 1-1/2 gallons a week (by myself) and in the best health of my life. I do miss my farm connections in Michigan.

  12. May God bless and help you get through this horrible persecution by the state. What can they be thinking???

    • Raw milk cures and the FDA doesn’t like cures! Anything against Monsanto will be fought by the governmnt because the chemical companies have owned this country since the beginning.

  13. Other than showing up at the rally, would it be beneficial to write letters to representatives? If so, do you have any ideas on what to put in the letter?

  14. Dear Friends–From California, I, and my family of 16 support all that you
    are fighting for. We suffer also sometimes when the FDA acts from
    insane and selfish fear. these movements are without ‘reason’. We
    encourage you to persist in your belief’s. We agree with your demand
    for the liberty and freedom to earn a living from the land with no interferance
    from any government offcial or regulation. Bob Sorenson & Family

  15. I know this is family friendly, but my three kids would NOT be able to hang out for 3 1/2 hours during the workshop. Please let me know if there are materials available for folks to peruse so we can get a handle on our rights/what to say/not to say/etc.
    Thanks so much!

  16. For those of you who would like to know further details, below is a letter that I composed using input from Alvin and others. Feel free to pass along to anyone you think would read- we need to spread this story far and wide!

    As more and more of our liberties and rights are under attack, one that should concern us all is in the area of food freedom. We might not all be passionate about local, sustainable food but we all eat. Kissinger is quoted as saying: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” Living in the melting pot we call America I have talked to someone whose family fled their Nazi occupied homeland in the cover of night, to people who left Russia after their farm animals and gardens were either seized, or taxed so heavily they destroyed them with their own hands, to those from the Ukraine who watched parents and siblings starve to death. Ask them how important food is to power and control…they’ll tell you that they can’t believe how fast America is spiraling towards the oppression they risked their lives to escape and their indignation most of us don’t even see that we are not the land of the free. Below is a story that is unfolding that shows clearly how advanced this attack is. Read it, pass it along to those people who you think would take the time to care, and don’t ever forget that we must be eternally vigilant of our rights or they will disappear.

    Here is Alvin’s story:

    Alvin Schlangen is a peaceful farmer and volunteer manager of Freedom Farms Coop (FFC). This venture serves to connect people with the food sources that meet their high standards for health by providing private access under lawful ownership of farm animals- for dairy food access: the member owners pay the Amish farm family for labor to milk the leased 100% grass-fed cows, manage the pasture, store the feed, etc. This is sustainable farming in reality- where the value of food supports the cost incurred…without government subsidies or harm to the environment. The balance of food options are purchased by the club, for the members. FFC has multiple farm sources providing real food to member families- very efficiently, with lots of volunteer effort.

    On June 15th 2010, The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) brought armed police and inspected, closed, and embargoed the Traditional Foods Warehouse in Minneapolis, of which Alvin had recently become co-owner. The Warehouse was members-only and contained food from local farms. In addition the MDA illegally trespassed, without warrant, on Alvin’s personal property space in this same building and removed records and food samples. The results of this illegal search and seizure resulted in the MDA obtaining a search warrant eight days later and searching and embargoing the Schlangen farm under allegations that Alvin was engaged in retail food handling.

    Then, on March 9th 2011, Alvin’s van was blocked by the MDA, again with armed police, while he was delivering his eggs to college students. They illegally entered the van without warrant, then, after visual inspection, called for a warrant to search, and seized the food inside that was owned by private food club members, then towed the van to the MDA Complex for dissemination. The same day, they used the van raid to get a warrant to search the private space that Freedom Farms Coop leased at the Traditional Foods warehouse, raided and removed food and packing materials; the total value of what was taken that day exceeded $5000. If an individual had stolen what the MDA did that day they would be charged with grand larceny.

    Instead, in the March 2011 case that is going to trial in May – Alvin was charged with 4 counts of criminal misdemeanor food handling without license and related issues – for his efforts to supply quality farm foods to his community and the growing number of Minnesotans who desire real milk and, more importantly, desire their autonomy to choose their own foods. If convicted, he could face serious fines or up to a year imprisonment.

    Commercial food handling is controlled by statutes that define how our food regulators keep track of food in each state. These statutes pertain to Uniform Commercial Code and do not apply to our private food supply (like you, picking up a loaf of bread for your neighbor and being repaid for it). What Alvin is doing is simply not any of the government’s business.

    There is now a June 23rd case scheduled regarding the farm raid and involves another 6 counts. A third action in administrative court includes 11 counts. It is obvious that there is an agenda to bury this farmer and all of our rights for a long while.

    • Good luck finding people who care about what happens to others. So long as it don’t directly affect them, they just turn and walk away. I know cause Im a life long dairy producer about to exit the business due to government control and support of mega farms and forien importation of food .

    • I agree! A similar scenario played out in Canada six years ago. An egg farmer was raided so he called his local landowners group for help. 40 farmers showed up in all manner of vehicles, including tractors and demanded that the officers return confiscated birds and property. Officials tried to leave, but the farmer blocked his driveway with his tractor and refused to move it. It was quite the scene, very inspiring! Here’s the story: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=04387093-814b-44b7-9568-b193320c02bf. We CAN take our farms and food freedom back, and it’s time we all get fired up and help one another do just that.

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